The second month is an exciting time when your baby has started to develop their personality. They’re offering smiles and coos, and are actually beginning to interact with people and objects around them. So now what do you do with your baby during their awake time? These activities for 2-month olds are fantastic ways to help them develop physically, socially, and cognitively.
Your two-month old is no longer a newborn. They are quickly becoming more social and aware of their surroundings.
Now is the perfect time to start involving your baby in simple (but fun) activities each day. Whether indoors or outdoors, here’s the perfect list of things to do with your infant.
Indoor Activities for Babies at 2 Months
Talk to Your Baby (And Respond to Them Too)
Yes, something as simple as conversing can be an infant activity.
At 2 months old your baby may be making new sounds or perhaps even babbling. They are finding their voice and discovering new sounds created by themselves.
Talking to your baby (or responding to whatever they say) actually helps develop their communication and language skills very early on. Stimulating their speech not only improves their intelligence but also their bond with you.
At this point, they don’t even mind what the topic of conversation is, they’ll just love watching and listening to you while they also attempt to make sounds.
Read Books With Your Baby
If you feel awkward holding a conversation with an infant, reading can be a fantastic way for your baby to hear you talk. And as you read, your baby is actually learning and developing new skills.
At 2 months they will hear the sounds from the words you make, but as weeks pass they will eventually start focussing their sight on the pages and identifying shapes and objects as well.
If you’re looking for appropriate baby books that follow along with their age and development, I highly recommend you check out Baby Books for the 1st Year.
Sing Songs or Listen to Music
Music has a profound impact on babies’ growing brains. Not only does it improve mood, but it also contributes to babies’ cognitive and sensory development. It has a positive effect on their skills and abilities, including memory, spatial intelligence, language, and emotional intelligence.
Babies don’t need any specific genre of music. Play whatever you feel like listening to or switch between upbeat and relaxing music depending on mood or timing in their schedule.
Happy Baby Music
If it’s an appropriate moment during the baby’s awake time, you can put on some upbeat music that makes everyone happy. Nursery rhyme songs are a great happy baby music option to put on. Some dynamic jazz, pop, or funk hits will surely bring positive vibes as well (and they may be appealing to you too).
Relaxing Baby Music
If it’s getting close to nap time, you may want to pick more relaxing baby music to wind down to. Slow piano or acoustic songs can be very soothing, or even some classical music will help set the tone for an upcoming snooze.
Baby Stretches
Did you know that stretches are good for your baby, even at 2 months? Gentle and slow stretching and exercises help support muscle development.
Simple movements such as arm extensions and bicycle legs will help your baby relax their limbs and improve their range of motion.
Some people refer to this as a stretching massage since it’s important you only encourage the movement gently rather than force their limbs to move. Go with your baby’s flow and if they’re no longer enjoying it, try a different activity.
Dance With Your Baby
Looking for a little workout? Try dancing with your baby!
Wear your baby comfortably, whether it’s with a carrier or wrap, turn on your favourite tunes, and sway with that cute little bean of yours.
If your baby has enough neck strength, you can also hold them facing outwards in a chair hold, head resting against your chest, and move softly to the music.
Your baby will love being close to you in this sweet bonding time and you’ll get the benefit of an increased heart rate!
2-Month Old Tummy Time
We hear it time and time again, the importance of tummy time!
It’s true that babies need to develop their neck strength and the best way to do it is with tummy time.
Lay your baby face down on a safe surface, such as a blanket or playmat, on the ground and let them explore the world from a new perspective.

Heads up: You may not want to do this activity with your little one right after they’ve eaten as they may spit up from the pressure on their bellies.
Related Article: Tummy Time Tips
Play in the Baby Bath
Bathtime for baby is a nice way to pass some time, and you don’t have to wait until their bedtime routine to do it. This can be a fun way to interact with your munchkin during the day.
Sure, they won’t actually be tossing around bath toys or even splashing around too much at this age but baby baths have many benefits beyond just washing your baby.
Baths are a great activity that actually provides lots of stimulation for a baby’s cognitive development as well. The water on their skin combined with new sights and scents offers multi-sensory stimulation for your little fishy.
Plus, it’s good to get them used to water from the very start!
If your baby doesn’t love the bath, check out these simple tips to make baby’s bathtime easier.
Outdoor Activities for 2-Month Olds
Go for a Walk with Baby
If the weather allows, walks with your 2-month old are a lovely way to pass the time. Getting out of the house with your newborn and breathing some fresh air will do both of you some good (and help mom avoid boredom at home).
Whether you’re strolling the streets in your neighbourhood, driving to a park, or grabbing a bite with your bundle of joy, getting out of the house offers new surroundings to stimulate baby’s senses.
The new environment encourages brain development for your little one. With so much to see and hear, your infant will be learning about the world around them – all from a simple walk!
It doesn’t matter if you want to take them in a stroller or strapped to your chest in a carrier, they’ll enjoy it just the same. It’s a nice chance for them to see new sights or even take a nap if preferred (or needed).
And studies have actually shown that exposing your baby to natural light during the day has great benefits for their sleep at night. Win-win!
Lay on a Blanket at the Park
I get it! You’re a new mom, and maybe you don’t always have the energy to go for a walk, but you still want all the aforementioned benefits of being outdoors.
Why not take a big blanket and stretch out in the park?
Your little one will love having the chance to stretch out or practise tummy time and momma will get some much-deserved relaxation.
Be mindful that you’re not laying out in the sun too long. Babies under 6 months do not have the proper skin protection to be in direct sunlight or heat so take the necessary precautions and find a shady spot if it’s a hot or sunny day.
Visit Family or Friends
Not everyone will be available at the same daytime hours you are now that you’re at home with your baby but, if possible, it’s the perfect time to head out and visit with those near and dear.
Everyone loves seeing babies and it’ll probably do you some good to see some adult faces too. Plan a playdate for your baby or yourself.
Being at home with a baby can get a little lonely at times, so be sure to spend some time with your community. It’s also great early socialization for your baby!
Head Out for a Hike
If you’re feeling up to it, take your 2-month-old out for a little hike! Nature offers so many benefits to our mental well-being and sometimes wandering amongst the trees is just the change of scenery we need.
Sure, your baby is too little to go into most hiking backpacks but they are the perfect size to wear in a carrier or baby wrap.

Remember to feed and diaper change your baby before heading out on the trail so that you hopefully don’t need to stop for those until you’re finished.
Plan a short and safe route as you’ll still want to take it easy. Keep baby out of the direct sun and be sure to pack everything you need for the both of you.
This is the perfect activity to do with a friend!
Important Tips for 2-Month Old Activities
Awake Time for Your 2-Month Old
The average awake time (the time spent awake before needing to nap again) for a 2-month old is anywhere from 45 minutes to 1 hour and 45 minutes. Keep this in mind as you plan activities for your little one as you’ll also need to factor in feeds and diaper changes into that window.
Watch for Your Baby’s Sleep Cues
Looking away, a far off gaze, resting their head down, rubbing eyes, fussing and yawning are all different stages of sleep cues for infants. Be very attentive to spot when they’re showing one of the initial cues so that you can start getting them ready for a snooze.
If they’re already fussing or yawning, you’ve likely missed their early sleep signs and it’s time for a nap pronto! You want to get them settled and ready for a nap before they become overtired.
Overstimulated Baby
Just like overtired, babies can become overstimulated as well. Our well-intentioned sensory play can, at times, be a sensory overload for their developing brains.
Try to alternate between active and relaxing activities for your 2-month old. Keep high interactive activities to short durations and watch for signs of overstimulation. This may include your baby fussing, crying, or displaying jerky movements.
2-Month Old Sight
At just a couple of months old, babies’ sight is starting to improve. While they can likely recognize your face and respond with smiles by now, remember that their vision is still fairly blurry.
They are also working hard at learning to track moving objects so you may find your baby becomes disinterested if you or a toy is too far or moves too fast.
2-Month Old Toys for Development
Your infant may seem too young for toys but there are actually many options that will engage your baby and encourage both physical and mental development.
The best toys for 2-month old babies are ones that have interesting textures, bright colours, gentle sounds (such as crackling, jingling, or clicking), and even colourful lights.
Multisensory toys are an excellent way for baby to explore their surroundings as well as their own abilities.
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Recommended Toys for 2-Month Olds
Infant Activity Play Mat
The Tiny Love Black & White Gymini Infant Activity Play Mat is an ideal playground for your infant. High contrast patterns and toys will surely capture your 2 month old’s attention. The different textures and musical toys will help them develop as they play. The mat detailing with ribbon and toy loops makes it a great option for tummy time as well.
Travel Baby Mobile
Light and portable baby mobiles like the Manhattan Toy Wimmer-Ferguson Infant Stim Mobile to Go Travel Toy are sure to catch your baby’s focus with their vibrant colours and black and white discs. You can even switch around the graphics as the baby grows and their vision improves.
High Contrast Soft Books
Another high contrast toy that is fantastic for babies’ developing vision is soft books, such as the MOMOK Black and White High Contrast Sensory Soft Book. The double-sided pages offer cute graphics on a soft fabric, durable and gentle, even for teething babies!
Kick and Play Mats
Kick and play mats grow with your active little babe. The Baby Einstein 4-in-1 Kickin’ Tunes Music offers endless stimulation with a piano to kick, dangling toys to push, and toys with noises. Your baby will be getting tons of exercise as they explore this activity gym.
Interactive Tummy Time Toys
Interactive toys, such as the VTech Baby Lil’ Critters Moosical Beads, will keep your little one happy and entertained as they practise tummy time. With lights and music, this cute stuffed cow will surely keep your baby’s mind off of tummy time.
Multisensory Clip-On Toys
Rings, rattles, colours and textures on clip-on toys like the Lamaze Clip on Toy- Captain Calamari stimulates baby’s senses in so many ways. It has been a personal favourite for all 3 of my babies!
Soft Baby Rattles
Looking for something a little less bright and flashy? Soft baby rattles, like the Taggies Embroidered Soft Ring Rattle, offer gentle sounds from a plush toy. This small toy is great for tiny hands to practice grasping.
Sock or Wrist Rattles
When your baby is still learning to hold onto objects, wearable sock or wrist rattle toys, such as Bright Starts Rattle & Teethe Wrist Pals, can be a perfect option to play with, without needing to grasp.
Easy Hold Sensory Toys
While your baby likely isn’t teething just yet, toys like the Manhattan Toy Winkel Rattle & Sensory Teether Toy can be an excellent way for your baby to learn to grasp. The lightweight design provides many small tube loops for a baby to easily grab hold of. As they get older they’ll love gnawing on these loops providing teething relief for sore gums.
Related Article: Where to Put a Newborn During the Day (To Sleep and When Awake)